
Questions, comments, feedback about missions at DaySpring?

Our desire as a Church is to develop an ongoing, mutual relationship with the missions that we support with our prayers and stewardship of time and resources. We hope to enhance the missions that we become involved with by helping in any way that will further benefit the missionaries’ own direction and philosophy of ministry. It is our goal to develop an ongoing, mutually supportive relationship with each mission.

We see the various missions as an extension of our ministry and Church body, and it is our hope that they will see us in the same light. We can benefit from their ministry and they can benefit from ours. It is also our desire as a church to develop in the membership a heart for missions in general, not only in terms of prayer and financial support, but also individual involvement. Click on the links to the left for more information on our missions support.



Dayspring’s passion for missions is to not just send financial support but to send our prayers, encouragement, as well as ourselves to the mission field, both at home and abroad. We strive to come alongside our missionaries and encourage them with our words, deeds, regular financial support, and special gifts. We see the missionaries we support as an extension of our own ministry and a vital part of the life of our church body. While the exact missions we support may change from time to time, our goal remains always to reach a lost and dying world and to build up the body of Christ wherever God calls us to go.


Mission trips provide an opportunity to encourage the missionaries we support, open our eyes to the needs around the world, witness the work God is doing around the globe, and join in that work ourselves.


  • Commit to pray for our missionaries – check the missions board for updates.
  • Send letters of encouragement to those on the field.
  • Assist others in getting to the field if you have the resources but lack the opportunity to go yourself.
  • Serving Abroad
  • Volunteer to lead or participate in a short term mission trip.

Watch the missions board and your bulletin for upcoming opportunities.   Feel called to a greater involvement? Contact us if you want help discerning God’s call to a longer term commitment in missions.

Questions, comments, feedback about missions at DaySpring?

Current Missions

Brice & Amanda Wurdeman (Barbados)


Windward Island School of Evangelism (WISE) is a Christian college that equips students from around the Caribbean to minister in their own countries. It was founded on the island of St. Vincent by Amanda’s grandparents but has since relocated to Barbados where Brice is serving as the director. The Wurdemans previously served for several years in Port-de-Paix, Haiti. They currently have five children: Naiyah, Beckett, Paxson, Kensington, and Greeley.

Cliff & Lynn Allen (England)


Cliff and Lynn are engaging the full spectrum of the community of Tunbridge Wells, England, from fellow Christians to the homeless and even reaching out to Muslims with the love of Christ. The Allens have three children: Naomi, Philip, and Daniel.

Diamond Willow Ministries (South Dakota)


Diamond Willow Ministries is a Christ centered relief organization that works to empower and develop healthy Christian youth, families, and leaders by meeting current spiritual, emotional, and physical needs within the Native American community on the Crow Creek Sioux Reservation.


Why Go – Can't We Serve God Right Here?

While it is true that God can be served just as effectively across the street as across the world, we have a biblical mandate not to confine ourselves solely to reaching out to those nearby: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20). See also Mark 13:10; Acts 1:8, etc.

Why Not Just Send The Money?

Do you still have questions?

We'd love to connect with you and discuss any questions you may still have!