Children's Ministry Philosophy

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Creating A Firm Foundation
Our children are precious gifts from God. A strong biblical foundation is important for children to move from the tiny Acorn to mighty Oak, “so they will be called oaks for righteousness, the planting of the Lord that He may be glorified.” -Isaiah 61:3
A strong foundation in Christ will stay with a child throughout their lifetime. Those deep roots will hold firm (Proverbs 22:6). Here at DaySpring it is our goal for your children to be given those strong roots by planting, watering, growing and repeating that process as often as possible.
Our desire is to see children from birth through 4th grade experience the love of Christ in a safe, fun and learning rich environment. All of us can remember our childhood, a time to enjoy life, learn and smile often. It is also a time to plant a firm foundation in Christ. The roots we plant in our childhood will stay with us throughout our lives.
“Plant your roots in Christ and let Him be the foundation for your life. Be strong in your faith just as you were taught”, (Colossians 2:7). Children are like sponges, a child has a different relation to their environment from ours. . .the child absorbs it. The things they see and learn are not just remembered; they form part of who they become as adults.
Just like in nature where seeds need water to grow, it’s true for the spiritual seeds we plant as well. This comes through hugs, each question answered in a Sunday School class, the studying of a memory verse and the like. Just as the gardener is busy always tending, so too are you as parents. And at DaySpring in our Children’s Ministry programming, we want to do our best to help add the necessary ingredients to your child’s life for optimal spiritual growth.
Here at DaySpring we realize that growth is God’s doing. In 1 Corinthians 3:6 Paul gives God the credit for the results of his ministry, that is, the growth. In the same way we realize God’s incredible role in each child’s life. If they are to move from Acorn to Oak it will be because of God’s love, grace, mercy, help, His Word and guidance. God gets the credit. We plant and water.
Int he book of Acts we see the early church meeting often. Our ministry tries to imitate that design. Planting, watering and growing is something that is taking place each time your child is with us.It’s this pattern of repetition that we hope is that extra ingredient that moves our littlest ones along in their journey from Acorn to Oak.
Reoccurring Ministry
Wednesday Nights
Quarterly and Yearly Ministry Events
Camp Como
From the cradle to 4th grade a firm foundation of biblical truth is established by digging into God’s Word and providing a time for children to get to know their Lord and Savior. The Bible comes alive in creative, memorable ways and as your child grows, so does the depth of instruction. Teachers expound on the story taught during the worship service and your child gets to participate in a more in-depth, age appropriate discussion of God’s Word with leaders who love and care about them. We encourage children to use their Bibles, and to hide God’s Word in their heart through Scripture memorization. Our hope and prayer is to develop the hearts and minds of God’s precious children as they apply His Word to their lives so they can share the Good News with others.
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11
What are the poetic books of the Old Testament? What does Hebrews 1:1-2 say about how God has spoken to us? In which books would you find the 10 plagues and WHY are children dancing and mumbling under their breath? They are probably reviewing a memory verse learned in class on Wednesday night! Children 3rd through 5th grade hide God’s word in their hearts and learn with friends through an engaging and fun competitive environment. There are even opportunities to travel and compete with teams throughout Colorado and Kansas! Join us and find out just how quick you can “Buzz In” with the correct answer! Bible Bowl meets Wednesday nights from 5:30-6:30 during the school year.
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