
Dayspring Christian Church’s outreach ministry is to model Christ’s concern for people, both individually and collectively in our communities. Outreach ministries are called to deal with the needs and concerns of persons beyond the congregation, relating the ministry of the local church to the needs of the world through compassion, mercy and grace. Outreach is a bridge of opportunity to present Christ.

Jesus reveals to us in Matthew 22:36-40 the greatest and second greatest commandments –

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law? And He said to him, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”

These are just a few of the many scriptures that direct us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves by caring for the poor and needy.

  • John 13:34-35
  • 1 John 3:17-18
  • Matthew 25:40
  • Luke 3:11
  • Luke 6:30
  • James 2:14

The following Outreach Ministries provide a variety of opportunities for you to serve and put your faith into action in our communities.

Alpha Center

Alpha Center

Alpha Center is a Christian medical clinic that serves our community by providing free services and education related to sexual health. All our services are free thanks to the generous support of many individuals, businesses and churches in our community. They support the need for a medical clinic that serves individuals facing important decisions related to sexual health and unplanned pregnancies. Alpha Center does not perform or refer for abortions.

Please visit Alpha Center’s website at for more information. The Alpha Center is located at 1212 South College Avenue in Fort Collins.

Our Alpha Center Ambassador is Wendi Seidel. The Ambassador serves as the primary point person for DaySpring Christian Church to spread communication, champion what God is doing through Alpha Center and to energize volunteers.

Volunteers are needed to:

  • Help in a micro-event once a year such as host a baby shower, conduct a bake sale, or make blankets
  • Help encourage people to sign up to attend one of the two annual Alpha Center tours
  • Help with a baby bottle drive between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. The bottles are filled with spare change to help with the ongoing needs of Alpha Center

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program focusing on freedom from life’s Hurts, Habits and Hang-Ups. It is based on Biblical principles with a goal to let God work through us in providing His healing power through a 12-step program.

Dollar Club

The Dollar Club was developed as a concrete way to be the hands, eyes, ears and feet by reaching out to our local community that is in need.

There are many needs in our local community which provides opportunities for DaySpring to build a bridge with the people we live amongst. The Dollar Club was created as one tool for DaySpring to use in addressing these needs. During the offering time, you will notice children putting a dollar into a glass jar sitting on the stage.

These collective dollars go together to create a resource for people in need: gas, rent, medical bills, etc. The goal of this ministry is to create a relationship bridge by responding to needs of people outside our church body by offering some financial help to lighten the load. A dollar does still make a difference. But your dollar combined with everybody else’s dollars can have a major impact on our community.

Here are some of the opportunities where DaySpring has been able to help.

  1. Car repairs
  2. New hot water heater
  3. Rent
  4. Utilities
  5. Travel emergencies
  6. Medical expenses
  7. Groceries
  8. Helped with death expenses
  9. Helped with travel for death in a family

All congregation members are invited to submit needs to any elder. The elders will make the decision on the allocation of the Dollar Club funds.

Larimer Food Bank

Larimer County Food Bank

The Food Bank for Larimer County’s mission is to provide food to all in need through community partnerships and hunger-relief programs. We are a member of Feeding America, the nation’s largest food bank and food rescue network and are the only Feeding America clearinghouse for donated food in Larimer County. The food donations we receive are distributed to individuals in need through three programs: Food Share, Child Nutrition and Food Link.

Helping Hands


Please contact Mark Nadig if you would like to schedule a move.  If able it would be great if you could help with the following:

1. Give a week to 10 days notice of the move. Short notice, holidays and weekdays are difficult to accommodate.

2. Decide how many moving trucks/vehicles it will take to move your belongings. Our radius of help is Fort Collins, Windsor, Loveland, Wellington and Greeley.

3. On the day of the move, it is helpful to start early instead of waiting until the afternoon.

4. Out of courtesy to those who come to help and to expediate the move, it is helpful to have everything already boxed, beds disassembled, a plan for what is being moved and then how unloaded.  Great to have a point person.

Helpng Hands Photo